Clinic: Hannemann Point, 2/1/2, Deb Lane (Entally, C.I.T. Road), Kolkata – 700014

For Appointment : 8981420599 / 9874988678.

Dr. Amitava Maity, Hahnemann Point, Entally, Kolkata

Importance of Miasm

Importance of Miasm

A lady, aged 40 yrs, having a history of sciatic pain, pain knee, back, pain in the heel (Calcaneum spur) severe burning all over the body including restlessness for the last 6 months, excessive menstrual bleeding, chronic headache aggravates in sun, very much sentimental, cautious and very much neglected, cannot express her grief. Most of the time feels alone with weeping Desire salt, fish, hot food. History of Mother – headache. Diabetes mellitus, arthritis, and hysterectomy. History of Father – History of Angioplasty, Uric Acid.

Diagnosis – Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, Migraine, Calcaneum spur, depression, sciatica.

Natrum Mur – 1M – 2 doses were given.

Reporting – The headache and DUB were better, the anxiety is less, but the tremendous pain of sciatica and heel and other joints was not improved at all. So after considering the family history (sycotic) and other mismatic factor – Medorrihinum -1M – 1 dose was prescribed. After that, DUB and pain began to improve. However, the case was finished by Sulphur – 200 – 1 dose.

Investigation – X-ray L S Spine – Osteoarthritic changes with inter-vertebral spaces are considerably reduced. USG –of Lower Abdomen – Uterus Flabby but no evidence of SOL.

So again a single medicine at a time has been successful to cover the migraine (Neurology) DUB (Gynaecology) Sciatica decompression sickness (Orthopedics), Depression, [Psychiatry]. This type of cure might not be possible all the time due to the limitations of our system. At that time the necessity of specialists is urgently needed. But practically speaking a large number of patients are get benefited by the classical Homoeopaths all over the world.