Clinic: Hannemann Point, 2/1/2, Deb Lane (Entally, C.I.T. Road), Kolkata – 700014

For Appointment : 8981420599 / 9874988678.

Dr. Amitava Maity, Hahnemann Point, Entally, Kolkata

Chronic Ulcer – Severe Pain in Right Wrist Joint – Homeopathy Treatment – Dr Amitava Maity

This patient was suffering from chronic ulcer with Reflux oesophagitis, indigestion, and lack of sleep for 7 to years. Just Ignatia was given. The patient is telling her experience. Almost cured within 8 to 9 months. After that suffering from severe pain in the Right wrist joint. I diagnosed it with Carpal tunnel syndrome. Again, I prescribed Ignatia – IM / 3 doses. 90 All credit to My Guru Dr Biswaji Roy. 90% was better. Again, she feels very slight pain. That will disappear. It is shared in various magazines. The technique is highly appreciated.