Clinic: Hannemann Point, 2/1/2, Deb Lane (Entally, C.I.T. Road), Kolkata – 700014

For Appointment : 8981420599 / 9874988678.

Dr. Amitava Maity, Hahnemann Point, Entally, Kolkata

Speaking Problem – Homeopathy Treatment – Dr Amitava Maity

Almost inability to speak for up to 3 years. The patient came with her father at 3 years old. Treatment started. Terrific improvement. Normal within 3 to 4 months. The medicine was Tarantula Hispididus – 30 / 4 doses. After that came various troubles. Was better but no satisfaction for me. A few days came with huge tonsils tried allopathy. Relieved temporarily again come to me with forgetfulness and colic. Again Tarantula repeated. Improving speedily. Mental Symptoms taken from early childhood. H/ of father mother grand father grand mother. Thank you.