Frozen Shoulders-Tennis Elbow-Sciatica- Homeopathy Treatment

A female patient 45 years old like many others came to me for tremendous pain all over her body. According to her son, the was almost bedridden for 5 years. Go through various types of treatment. Without any permanent result. There was pain in the shoulder ( Frozen Shoulder), tremendous pain in the elbow ( Tennis elbow), pain wrist ( carpal Tunnel Syndrome), and Pain in the back radiation through the thigh ( sciatica).

Longstanding Frozen Shoulder, Arthritis, Ano Rectal Abscess (Fistula)

Both came from Australia. Madam is suffering from longstanding frozen shoulder, Arthritis, Ano rectal abscess (Fistula) and many other complaints. Already feels better after 3 to 4 days. The husband is suffering from psoriasis for more than 20 years. The itching is so intense in the night can not sleep in the night for many years . Can not get any relief in Australia. The report will come soon.