Clinic: Hannemann Point, 2/1/2, Deb Lane (Entally, C.I.T. Road), Kolkata – 700014

For Appointment : 8981420599 / 9874988678.

Dr. Amitava Maity, Hahnemann Point, Entally, Kolkata

Acute Pancreatitis – Homeopathy Treatment – Dr Amitava Maity

The patient was suffering from Acute pancreatitis for more than 1 and 1/2 years. Tremendous pain in the upper abdomen with burning, vomiting, nausea, and complete loss of appetite. The patient rapidly emaciated. The weight was 30 kg. Tried all sorts of measures. Admittedly in the Hospital many times. The pain was temporarily better for 2 to 3 days but again reappeared. After that came to me on 31.10. 2023.

Nerve Problems – Homeopathy Treatment – Dr Amitava Maity

A patient with severe unsteady gait came recently before suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastritis, tremors, and bad effects of malaria. It's almost better. Now come with a loss of balance. There are many causes. I have to find out the cause. Whatever the cause these types of cases take a long time to improve. But this case only took 10 days to improve. Now the patient is normal. The medicine was natrum mur - 10m. In this case, I have not taken symptoms from very childhood. Constitutional treatment only.

Speaking Problem – Homeopathy Treatment – Dr Amitava Maity

Almost inability to speak for up to 3 years. The patient came with her father at 3 years old. Treatment started. Terrific improvement. Normal within 3 to 4 months. The medicine was Tarantula Hispididus - 30 / 4 doses. After that came various troubles. Was better but no satisfaction for me. A few days came with huge tonsils tried allopathy. Relieved temporarily again come to me with forgetfulness and colic. Again Tarantula repeated. Improving speedily. Mental Symptoms taken from early childhood. H/ of father mother grand father grand mother.

Hyperpigmentation – Homeopathy Treatment – Dr Amitava Maity

There was a spotted ringworm. Hyperpigmentation persisted for some years. 90% of pigmented blackish skin disappeared within 35 days, according to the patient’s confession. 15 years ago I was not successful in fighting with those types of black skin. But when I started to apply Microimmuno Genetics based totally on Homoeopathic philosophy, miracles were happening.

Chronic Ulcer – Severe Pain in Right Wrist Joint – Homeopathy Treatment – Dr Amitava Maity

This patient was suffering from chronic ulcer with Reflux oesophagitis, indigestion, and lack of sleep for 7 to years. Just Ignatia was given. The patient is telling her experience. Almost cured within 8 to 9 months. After that suffering from severe pain in the Right wrist joint. I diagnosed it with Carpal tunnel syndrome. Again, I prescribed Ignatia - IM / 3 doses. 90 All credit to My Guru Dr Biswaji Roy. 90% was better. Again, she feels very slight pain. That will disappear. It is shared in various magazines. The technique is highly appreciated.