An Unique Combination of Professionalism, All Round Activities & Dedication
Passed Higher Secondary examination from Ram Krishna Missiona, Narendrapur
Passed MBS, BHMS (Hons) from Calcutta University in 1983 with distinction and Honours marks in Medicine in all three-university examination.
Diversified, benevolent activities & dedication of Dr. Amitava Maity
- During the internship period in 1984, Dr. Maity led a medical team of nine doctors to combat an epidemic outbreak of Gastroenteritis in Murshidabad.
- Dr Maity participated in Health Camps like Mother and Child Health, Nutrition programmes, Heart diseases, AIDS and other communicable diseases, disaster management and the latest developments in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer etc. organized by Vivekananda International Health Center. This was published in the daily newspaper several times.
- He arranged several health camps for Complete Health check-ups and Advanced Homeopathic Treatment in the districts of Bankura, Purulia, Birbhum, Hooghly and Midnapore on his own initiative and expenditure (especially amongst the poorest people of the society).
- It is a great pleasure for our country that a good number of NRIs and citizens from the United Kingdom, Germany, California, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Bangladesh and many other countries are experiencing significant improvement by the treatment based on Micro-Immuno Genetics based on Homeopathic Philosophy in some chronic and complicated cases.
- He is engaged in clinical research about the scope of homoeopathy in sports medicine and also acted as an honorary physician at Tata Football Academy while they played in Kolkata. A good number of eminent sports persons were immensely benefited by his treatment.
- Based on the existing socio-economic condition the most revolutionary approach, which has given him international recognition in his 50 years professional career i.e. Check-Up Your Health, Diagonise the case and confirm which pathy (Allopathy or Homeopathy) is a more beneficial, less time-consuming, minimum side effect and relatively cheaper for your diseases and render treatment accordingly.
- A good number of selected cancer patients are experiencing a longer and almost painless state of health for the rest of their lives through the treatment of Dr. Amitava Maity.
- He established Ramkrishna Sarada Arogya Niketan on his own initiative and expenditure for the last 30 years. He treated at least 200 patients per month free of cost which includes medicine, vitamins, dietary supplements necessary low cost pathological investigations etc. Still, it is going on but now less number of patients are benefiting.
- He is one of the pioneers in the Medical World, who wanted to prove that in every disease Diagnosis is the most vital thing. After that selection of pathy (Allopathy or Homeopathy) is very vital. He is also a pioneer of Micro Immuno Genetics.
Accolades and Award
The above milestone of Dr. Amitava Maity was appreciated by eminent persons like footballer Late Padamshree P.K. Banerjee, late Sailen Manna, actor late Soumitra Chatterjee, writer Sunil Gangopadhyay, singer Kabita Krishnamurthy, Mother Teresa, Swami Lokeswarananda., Swami Suparnanda, Swami Girishananda, and above all the common people of India and abroad.
For a unique combination of professionalism and dedication, Dr. Maity was awarded a lifetime achievement award from Ramrishna Mahamondal on 17th November 2001.
Dr. Maity has been honoured by Swami Tathagatananda, the President of the New York Vedanta Society (established by Swami Vivekananda in the year 1894) for his great success in “Complete Health Check-up and in various types of chronic and complicated genetic diseases in India and abroad.
Recently he has been honoured by the Ramakrishna Society Anath Bhander, who is serving the helpless body. The Ramkrishna Society Anath Bhander was established by Swami Saradananda, a direct disciple of Bhagaban Sree Sree Ramkrishna in a remembrance meeting of Swamiji’s 150th Birth anniversary for following the selfless work of Vivekananda.
He has also achieved a certificate of excellence from Swami Supernanda in the field of medicine and for revolutionary research work to make a man healthy from birth to end.
He has been rewarded by the Mother Teresa International Award on 25th August, 2017 for helping the helpless for the last 34 years onwards by the Mother Teresa International Award Committee.
Being inspired by Thakur; Ma and Swamiji he has written a book (Ajker Projonmer Kache Thakur, Maa and Swamiji).
Dr. Maity has been carrying out extensive research work on the advancement of homoeopathy and also engaged in an extensive study on Genetics and immune therapy.
He remarked that High Diffusion Technology has been used successfully for many years to eliminate diseases. The DNA molecules were designed to target immune response genes to fight with infections and control the infectivity of viruses. He established that the Homeopathic Gene Targeting System is known as Dynamic Micro Immuno Genetics.
Dr. Maity is the pioneer in developing the idea of a non-materialistic aspect of medicine in this materialistic world.
He has proved that this micro-immune therapy is one of the ways to bring the man to his/her healthy state. This system can help to trigger the immune system of a man. According to Swami Vivekananda “The inner man cannot do any sin”. This therapy can help to wash out the artificial covering of jealousy, vindictiveness, perversion, dishonesty, religious superstition and above all the chronic complicated genetic diseases, cases of memory at least to some extent. On this aspect, he wrote Non-Materialistic aspect of treatment in this Materialistic world. He in his revolutionary research work to make a man healthy from birth to end wrote “Secret of Being Health from Birth to End”.
He was invited to the United Kingdom (2015 December) for a presentation of his Revolutionary Research on Micro-Immuno Genetics based on Homeopathic Philosophy for the physical, mental, social and financial well-being for the suffering humanity.
Today Modern Medicine is technically very much advanced in most acute and devastating conditions. We are unable to reach there as these types of conditions require super sophisticated management of Modern Medicine. Dr Maity thinks it is also his duty to keep updated knowledge regarding the scope of specialisations and micro specialization refer the patient in proper specialist very vital.
Fight against from 2019 onwards.
These include check-up pulse oxygen percentage, Application of Homoeopathic Medicine to develop generalized immunity, arranged low-cost blood tests. Necessary nutrition like rice, dal, soybean, oil, masala, etc.
Distribution of vitamins and minerals in selected cases. Health consciousness to get rid of viral diseases.

At last praying to Thakur, Maa for the well-being of suffering Humanity. Arranged by Ramakrishna Sarada Arogyo Niketon
No charge has been taken.
Dr. Amitava Maity makes a revolution in homeopathy. Part 1
SANANDA PLUS COVERAGE – Trigger-up Immunity as a whole to Fight CORONAVIRUS

The Revolutions –
- We can do physical mental purification from the very early stage of life. Today it is very vital.
- We can cure Many diseases at a time without unnecessary investigations and unnecessary Specialization without toxicity. We are always hypnotized by the MNC, Drug Mafia, Heartless Intellectual, and scientist.
- My greatest achievements are for which I was honored from New York –
- In every case -Complete Health Checkup.
- Confirmation of Diagnosis.
- Which Pathy (Allopathy or Homoeopathy is necessary for your Diseases.)
- We have to consider relatively which pathy is more beneficial less time consuming and relatively cheaper and treat yourselves accordingly.
- Perversion, dullness, criminalism, terrorism, etc can be reduced to some extent proved by (DR P GALLAVERDIN 250 YEARS ago).
- The speediest way of relief( 10 minutes) in some of the selected acute forms of chronic diseases proved daily in 80 percent patient.
- If any patient comes for any trouble automatically the total system will be rectified.
- In this age of ROBOTIC TREATMENT, MICROIMMUNOGENETICS based on Homoeopathic philosophy will add PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, MENTAL, and FINANCIAL well being specially in chronic cases.
- Those things are happening. I have a full research paper but it needs more and more scientific research. Scientific research and explanation by the greatest scientists of the world are necessary.
- In 80% cases, the selected medicine for the first time can be applied in the follow-up. No need to come again and again. Whatsapp, Video call, Email, and postal services will take care of. This unique method is possible for my GODFATHER -DR Shyamal Kumar Das and Dr. Biswajit Roy.
- I used to treat a good number of the patient all over the world. Except for a few, I am treating successfully with the help of Whatsapp and video call only.
But I am sorry to say that in case of complicated deep-rooted chronic cases no such solution has been evolved all over the world for long-lasting physical, mental and financial wellbeing.
I do not want to say that even the glorious Advanced Method of Homoeopathy is the only option.
But it should be considered that we are all reluctant to consider the basic philosophy of different pathy. Even No one can obey the principle of Hippocrates, the father of Modern Medicine.
But after 12 years of intensive research by the help of different Nobel Laureates, scientist of Immunogenetics, Personalized Medicine, and different creative-minded Homoeopathic Physician.
I have come to a solution.
1- For every man/patients have a single medicine. This is called personalized medicine. This Medicine will act on every selected disease. Suppose a patient is suffering from Migraine, Gastric ulcer and Spondylosis etc. Medicine may be (Sepia) selected as a personalized basis.
Sepia will take care of above 3 diseases at a time. During the treatment, if the patient is suffering from acute sinusitis or sudden joint pain etc then Sepia will cure the above condition in Most of the cases. Here Sepia is to be considered as a king. But King requires the help of soldiers, Ministers, Driver etc. So other medicine may be required considering the philosophy of Homoeopathy.
But most of the time Sepia alone is sufficient in different potency. It should be kept for the whole life. It will cover all the complaints about the lifetime within our limitations.
In some cases Modern Medicine is inevitable. But if Sepia is taken conjointly within 3 to 4 minutes interval with Modern Medicine then all-round improvement will occur within 10 Minutes. Some times Antibiotics are resistant but urgently required then the personalized Medicine will trigger up the immunity for the smooth action of the Modern Medicine.
This is just an observation after 12 years of extensive research and experience. It may require much scientific explanation and may be updated from time to time. A journey of an applied Science never ends.
Micro Immuno Genetics
Micro Immuno Genetics is a more penetrative and speediest way of cure today and prevention at a time by triggering the immunity.
This unique glorious art of healing is possible after long research of 9 years. principally it stands on the basic principle of the father of different established systems of medicine – Allopathy (Hippocrates). Homeopathy (Master Hahnemann) Ayurvedic (Charak and Susrut), the All-Time Greatest Nobel Laureates, Scientist of Genetics, Microbiology, Personalized Medicine Scientist of Immunology, the Greatest Philosophers of all time, etc. I am also very much grateful to respected Shymal Kr, Das, and Dr. Biswajit Roy for giving me their valuable opinion based on Homoeopathic Philosophy.
The details – go through my website in detail.
To Make the Generation Healthy from Birth
The reader should not consider this book as an effort to prove the efficacy of any one of the different systems currently available in the world today, i.e., allopathy, homeopathy or Ayurveda. It is about a vision BEYOND HEALTH. It is a positive effort to bring the physical, mental, social, and financial well-being of all people all over the world and to reduce criminality, destructiveness, and perversion.
On Mother Teresa’s 107th Birth Anniversary, Dr. Amitava Maity was awarded Mother Teresa International Award for helping the helpless.
Demonstration of Advanced
Revolutionized method of Homoeopathy
Revolution in different area of uk INCLUDING leicestershire, Hampshire
A Certificate of Excellence from New York (U.S.A)