Improvement of a case of Echogenic nodules in both lobes of the Thyroid

A unique improvement of a case of Echogenic nodules in both lobes of the Thyroid. The patient is better clinically and structurally within a very short time. The patient was complaining of difficulty in Swallowing with tremendous pain and a burning sensation in the thyroid region. The above complaint is almost gone. we can select the diseases, considering our limitations then this advanced method of Microimmuno Genetics based on Homoeopathic Philosophy, then it should be considered as the speediest way of recovery.

A case of Gangrene

This is a very serious case. More or less gangrene. Very deep-seated ulcer. The lower portion of the leg was totally blackish. Suffering from burning pain for the last 3 months. There was no significant improvement from the previous treatment.

A case of Fibroadenoma in Breast

Today we are experiencing miracles in most chronic and complicated cases Specially fibroadenoma of the breast (breast tumour, non-cancerous), Ankylosing Spondylitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, Fibroid uterus, prostrate, sciatica due to severe lumbar Spondylitis, Anxiety Neurosis, decreasing the creatinine level at least to some extent, Impotency cardiomyopathy, etc etc.

Initiatives of Indian Council of Medical Research

This is a great pleasure for us that at last the INITIATIVES OF INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH IN SCIENTIFIC VALIDATION OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINES, in spite of revolutionary research made by World-renowned Scientist, Doctor and other based on modern medicines and their beneficial immediate effect to combat the life-threatening condition, the “SCIENCE OF LIFE “ are reflected in the wisdom and experience of ancient physicians has globally rekindled curiosity of man searching for an answer in Traditional System of Medicine to quell the emerging dissatisfaction with prevalent treatment modalities of modern medicines for chronic and refractory diseases: this interest has found an echo in ICMR ‘s research initiative on indigenous drugs right from the council’s very inception as is evident from the significant support given by the council to the pioneering work of the late SRI RAMNATH CHOPRA, the father of Indian Pharmacology in the formative years of his career in INDIA.

Modern Medicine towards Prevention, Cure, Well Being, and Longevity.

MODERN MEDICINE has done much in the fields of infectious diseases and emergencies to aid cure. In most of the other fields, it is mostly that it aims for which is another name of PALLIATION. So WHO encourages both clinicians and researchers how to turn decisively towards Palliation and cure. Also, Longevity with well being in modern medicines is another big challenge

Role of Classical Homeopathy

Let us summarize the above picture.   Here every branch of modern Medicines is given. All branches are specifically related to Modern Medicines. The suffering Humanity may think that all the diseases of the world are regulated by Modern Medicines Through its different branches. So where is the scope of Alternative Medicine? Obviously this is rational thinking. Hence Health of the whole world depends upon MODERN MEDICINES & ITS DIFFERENT BRANCHES.