Internal External Piles – Homeopathy Treatment – Dr Amitava Maity

The patient was suffering from both internal piles for many years. There was terrible pain, bleeding, and burning was too much from 2021. No medicine was working. At that time He had to go for surgery. First few months, he was slightly better. Then again, pain, and burning reappeared. Tried many things, but not a slight improvement. The patient came to me on 18.4.2022. I have him Sulphur, Ratanhia, and Peonia, but no improvement. After that, I decided to take mental symptoms from his early life.

Ulcerative Colitis – Homeopathy Treatment

A miracle. The girl was suffering from ulcerative colitis,  Diagnosed by a Gastroenterologist (by colonoscopy)  for  3 years. There was some temporary relief initially. But gradually patient loses weight with tremendous uneasiness,  dysentery, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.  Ultimately patient came on the 22. 11. 2022. Reported today. The progress is excellent within 1 month. After 2 years first-time patients feel the nature of absolute comfort.  This type of improvement is going on regularly by Microimmuno Genetics based on Homoeopathic philosophy with the treatment of Dr. Amitava Maity. one of the best homeopathy doctors in Kolkata.

Frozen Shoulders-Tennis Elbow-Sciatica- Homeopathy Treatment

A female patient 45 years old like many others came to me for tremendous pain all over her body. According to her son, the was almost bedridden for 5 years. Go through various types of treatment. Without any permanent result. There was pain in the shoulder ( Frozen Shoulder), tremendous pain in the elbow ( Tennis elbow), pain wrist ( carpal Tunnel Syndrome), and Pain in the back radiation through the thigh ( sciatica).

Improvement of a case of Echogenic nodules in both lobes of the Thyroid

A unique improvement of a case of Echogenic nodules in both lobes of the Thyroid. The patient is better clinically and structurally within a very short time. The patient was complaining of difficulty in Swallowing with tremendous pain and a burning sensation in the thyroid region. The above complaint is almost gone. we can select the diseases, considering our limitations then this advanced method of Microimmuno Genetics based on Homoeopathic Philosophy, then it should be considered as the speediest way of recovery.

A case of Gangrene

This is a very serious case. More or less gangrene. Very deep-seated ulcer. The lower portion of the leg was totally blackish. Suffering from burning pain for the last 3 months. There was no significant improvement from the previous treatment.