Clinic: Hannemann Point, 2/1/2, Deb Lane (Entally, C.I.T. Road), Kolkata – 700014

For Appointment : 8981420599 / 9874988678.

Dr. Amitava Maity, Hahnemann Point, Entally, Kolkata

Acute Pancreatitis – Homeopathy Treatment – Dr Amitava Maity

The patient was suffering from Acute pancreatitis for more than 1 and 1/2 years. Tremendous pain in the upper abdomen with burning, vomiting, nausea, and complete loss of appetite. The patient rapidly emaciated. The weight was 30 kg. Tried all sorts of measures. Admittedly in the Hospital many times. The pain was temporarily better for 2 to 3 days but again reappeared. After that came to me on 31.10. 2023.

Gradually improving ultimately came to me in the last week of December 2023. Pain, burning, vomiting, almost gone. Appetite is improving. What an improvement within 40 to 45 days.

I have only tried to rectify the whole man from the early days ( genetic level) by the dynamic power of Homeopathic Medicine based completely on Homoeopathic philosophy.