Clinic: Hannemann Point, 2/1/2, Deb Lane (Entally, C.I.T. Road), Kolkata – 700014

For Appointment : 8981420599 / 9874988678.

Dr. Amitava Maity, Hahnemann Point, Entally, Kolkata

Hypertension, Vertigo, Headache and Puffiness of Face

Dr. Amitava Maity is reducing urea and creatinine level dramatically.

Patient’s Name: Rahiman Sahezadi

Age: 68 Yrs

Treated By: Dr. Amitava Maity


A patient with hypertension, vertigo, headache and puffiness of face. Previously doctor has done urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium. Next visit was 29.12.18 and sees the miracle. Thousands of helpless in world can get a new life by MICRO IMMUNOGENETICS
